Statement of Faith

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We Believe

  • the historic Christian faith as revealed to us in the Bible, taught and practiced by the Apostles.
  • the Bible to be the inspired Word of God revealing the ruin of man by sin and his redemption and regeneration through the Lord Jesus Christ
  • in water baptism by immersion for believers, as a witness of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • in the Virgin birth of Christ, His sinless life, His death for us, His bodily resurrection and ascension, His coming for His people, and His visible return to the earth to establish His Kingdom.
  • in one God seen in the Bible as three Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
  • in one Church, the Body of Christ, the members of which are united with the Lord Jesus Christ, their Head, by virtue of their faith in Him.
  • that the Church is the dwelling place of God through the Holy Spirit, and that its members should gather together in the name of Christ for the purpose of worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.