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Musings on God’s Word
What is a church?
A location? A building? A denomination? A People? or what?
There was a time when a church was recognized by its denomination. I remember in my early years we attended Baptist churches in Manitoba, Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Seattle & Lake Cowichan. Over the years when we moved our home from one location to another we sought out the local Baptist church and sure enough they all functioned, taught and were very similar in every way. Pastor, Deacons, choir, musicians, Sunday School, Weekly prayer and bible study while always adhering to the scripture and teaching of the word of God as laid out in the Bible. Up until recently it was primarily the KJV.
Now? Well I’m beginning to wonder what has happened to our Bible believing, Bible teaching evangelical churches?
Even churches that use the same denominational name differ greatly in worship styles, music, & teaching, using many and varied translations of scripture. Many have even chosen to remove any denominational name from the front of their building. Why? I’m not sure.
Recently I was talking to a representative planning to begin a new church plant here in Duncan and when I asked the question why not be part of the existing denominations churches, was advised they weren’t the same.
We now have so many variations of churches not to mention TV preachers and churches, On-line preachers and churches. How do we know who is on the right tract and who isn’t?
What is a church? First and only, it is the gathering of God’s people to worship. The saved people are God’s church.
When we gather, what does our gathering look like?
Matthew 18:20
- For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
So, we gather to worship, pray, read scripture and Break Bread and experience fellowship with one another and God.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26 lays out the reason for celebrating the Breaking of Bread. In these verses Jesus commanded his followers to regularly come together to remember and celebrate his death. Not an option, not an add on but a command from God. The Lord’s supper is a communal event in which born again believers publicly proclaim the death of Christ.
A Biblical church is led by elders and worships in song, prayer and praise together, plus a speaker to share the word of God. This is laid out in Ephesians 5:18-21.
Lastly but of equal importance A Biblical church maintains corporate holiness through church discipline Matthew 18:17.
So there is the picture of a church as laid out in the scripture.
Not a suggestion but a template for how churches should function. And again I say the “Church” is the people of God.
Food for thought. These are mine and I certainly have no intention of offending anyone just Food for thought!
God’s richest blessing on you all