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Musings on God’s Word
It’s now 11:49 on Dec. 27th sitting at my computer gathering my thoughts to share with you all. I had finished the devotion part but accidentally hit the delete button and it all went away. So let me try again.
Sadly we cancelled our Christmas eve service due to lack of likely attendance. But! Praising the Lord we talked to our Friends in Kamloops whose church, First Baptist Kamloops, had a completely filled facility for their Christmas Eve Service. In one instance a young man in attendance was spoken to afterwards and admitted he didn’t know any of the Christmas Carols sung. Is this not a clear indication of the state of the world we live in? Let’s pray for a world wide revival with a return to church attendance where the Gospel is plainly preached.
Our family Christmas this year was a rather quiet one with a number of family members under the weather so a postponement seemed like a good idea. Christmas family dinner is now set for Monday January 1st, 2024.
It made me think of things that are planned by us humans but often don’t happen due to events beyond our control. A friend in our building flew to California to spend time with family but without warning a health issue showed up which put her in distress in hospital. Still in recovery in a hospital in California. A friend of hers sent out a request for prayer and we believe the prayers turned things around. Another reminder of the need for prayer in all matters. A reminder also of how events in life can completely change any plans we as humans might make.
A moment in time can change everything. We lost two friends in the past 2 weeks. One born again and bound for glory, one we don’t know so their destination is either Heaven or Hell. Just the ongoing reminder that our life is but a moment away from eternity. Live it as if it could be over in the twinkling of an eye.
A favorite Christmas movie of mine is “The Polar Express”. Now I know it has to do with Santa Claus but for me it’s the train and I enjoy Tom Hanks as an actor. The movie ends with a song titled “Believe”. The song talks about trains having a destination. Our lives too have a destination but which one is it? Heaven or Hell. I trust that there is no one receiving this email that isn’t destined for Heaven. If by chance someone reads this without the assurance of Heaven I hope and trust that not another moment will go by without making that decision to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord. Speak to someone or call me if you need to talk to someone about Salvation.
There is a line in the song that I believe translates into what everyone needs.
“You have everything you need if you just believe.”
That’s absolutely true, we do have everything we need if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and accept his free gift of salvation.
Before the year is out I pray that all who hear the gospel will respond in a positive way.
As for those of us claiming Christianity let’s be sure we live the Christian life in all that we do.
- Attend a Bible believing, Bible teaching church.
- Spend time in Bible reading and prayer each day.
- On that note may I wish each and every one of you a Very Blessed New Year and hope to see each of you in person soon.
God’s richest blessing on you all