Happenings, April 25, 2022 – 30, 2022

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Once again it’s time to bring everyone up to date on our Chapel Happenings. As I am preparing to write this week it seems to me that such a short period of time has gone by since I did last weeks. With this in mind I decided to check out some scriptures dealing with the passage of time and how it does or should impact us as Christians.


Psalm 144:4 tells us that Man

  1. is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow”

Job 14:2

  1. Like a flower he comes forth and withers. He also flees like a shadow and does not remain.

Psalm 103: 15-16

  1. As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
  2. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, and its place acknowledges it no longer.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

  1. There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.

These verses emphasis the fact that our time on earth, comparatively speaking, is short with trials and tribulations, joys and happiness and everything in between. And so it behoves us to make every moment count, share our faith wherever possible and keep our priorities straight. Faith, Family and Friends. This brings me to my last scripture.

Luke 21:33

  1. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.


Where: 7th Day Adventist Church 3441 Gibbons Rd, Duncan

When: Sunday Apr 17, 2022

  • 10:00 am Breaking of Bread
  • 11:00 am Family Bible Hour

Speaker: Norm Nicholson


  • May 8th and 15th Mark Andrade will continue to preach from Mark chapters 1 to 18, so continue reading them.
  • Please pray for all the guests who come to minister to us particularly as we remember that it’s God’s word that is being shared and there is much to be gained from each of the messages and passages that are shared. 
  • Ladies Prayer get-together: Some of the ladies have had discussions about re-starting a prayer get together. Plans are being discussed with no decisions made yet. Talk to Lois Ryan if you’re interested.

Prayer and Praise

Shirley Magri: I have to report that Shirley has now been transferred from the Meadows portion of Sunridge to the extended care section. She is allowed visitors but there are the usual rules to enter the building to visit. This also means we will not have her company at chapel for the foreseeable future. However Shirley’s sister, Pam may at some point try bringing her to chapel to see how it works.  I, personally, am looking forward to being able to share Sunday afternoon services at Sunridge. It was such a blessing to be able to bring a devotional and some music with the folks in Sunridge. God willing this will be permitted again soon. 

John Stegeman: Christa shared earlier this week the blessing her and John received from our Easter service and the message brought by our friend and missionary Jurgen. Christa went on to share that John had a good day, they went out for lunch and their conversation centred on Heaven. After that discussion they are looking forward to that day when we are all together in Heaven. Continue to pray for John and Christa and their daily walk through this “Shadow of Death”. 

Frank Timmermans: Here I’ll quote from the Timmermans email. “The anticipated biopsy report came in and unfortunately it was not what we had hoped for. The cancer was deeper in the wall of the esophagus and the surgeon was not able to remove it all. So, we’ll continue to bring this all before the Lord and pray for comfort, strength and wisdom on how to deal with next steps. In Him”

Anne Suais: Keep praying. More pain.

We must continue to pray also for the following folks with varying health concerns and conditions. Terry & Lois, Elinor,  Barb, Sherilyn, Faye, Korky, Penny, & Shirley

Chapel Update

Things are slowly coming together with the chapel. Chairs ordered, hymn books arrived, kitchen appliances ordered, Baby Grand piano coming, Organ provided, Kitchen table in the basement. We will be moving forward with the contractor at the chapel on Wednesday at 10am to meet with a number of us to go over various steps to begin work,  including meeting with the flooring company to discuss types and styles and colors of floor covering and paint colors. This will include the ladies who met to deal with appliances.  It will include an opportunity to consider upgrading the electrical panel from a 100 amp service to a 200 amp service at what appears to be a reasonable cost. Discussion will take place on this matter. New fencing for the rear of the property is underway to provide more security in the future. Retained kitchen utensils and various pots, pans, dishes and cutlery are expected to go out to Camp Imadene for washing in the commercial dishwasher shortly.

God’s blessings on you all.

Happenings, April 25, 2022 – 30, 2022

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