Happenings Mar 27, 2023 to April 2, 2023

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Musings on God’s Word

Resurrection Sunday

As we approach Easter I was reading in one of the Insights publications about the arguments unbelievers use against the Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Even in Jesus’s day the Disciples had difficulty understanding what Jesus was telling them .

John 20:9 & 10

  1. For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.
  2. Then the disciples went away again to their own homes. 

Understanding God’s word is something I’m sure we all struggle with and all to often those who won’t accept the word of God will come up with all kinds of alternate ideas to reject the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. I recently read the following article and would like to share it with you all.

“During Jesus’ earthly ministry, His critics tried every scheme in the playbook to discredit His authority. Some accused Him of breaking the law of Moses. Others claimed He used Satan’s power rather than God’s. Few ever thought of Jesus as being anything more than just a man—definitely not God incarnate. Although the gospel account in Scripture expose’s the errors of Jesus’ detractors, opponents of the kingdom of heaven still attack the King by dismissing the message of His Gospel. One main accusation levelled by skeptics today argues that Jesus never actually died on the cross. While their argument may raise eyebrows, these skeptics have thought this one through carefully. If Jesus never died, then He never would have needed to come back to life.  Without His Resurrection, those who put their faith in Jesus have no hope of conquering sin and death with Him. If there is no resurrection then there is no Good News. BUT … Jesus did die and did come back to life? And there is a resurrection? And the message is true? Thankfully, Scripture directs us from questioning, what IF? to knowing, what IS! Followers of Jesus have the firm foundation of Jesus’ resurrection upon which God calls everyone to place their hope and build their lives by putting their faith in the Son of God. If Christ did not come back to life, then those who put their trust in Him have absolutely no hope…It’s as simple as that. But…HE DID COME BACK TO LIFE, AND NOW HIS FOLLOWERS GET TO EXPERIENCE ALL THE HOPE THAT RESURRECTION OFFERS. Praise the Lord Jesus is Risen, He is Risen Indeed. 


Men’s fellowship, Prayer and Bible Study

The first meeting will be 10am April 4th at the chapel in the fellowship hall. It will begin with a prayer and bible study time which will include discussion regarding the future plans. I outlined a possible scenario of Preparation time for breakfast 8 to 9am by Jack, Art & Doug. With Breakfast being served between 9 and 10am Breakfast will include hash brown potatoes, eggs, sausages and toast. This could be every week or twice a month or only once a month. Followed by Bible study, Prayer and fellowship at 10am. Our first get together on April 4th at 10am will be to iron out the logistics and plans for the following meetings. 

Psalm 1:1 & 2

  1. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
  2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
Happenings Mar 27, 2023 to April 2, 2023

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