Happenings up to Oct 8, 2022

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With the Peake’s having been away again it is time to get up to date on things. First, though some thoughts on something that our trip and something I read gave me pause for thought.


As one travels through country roads and farming areas one notices many abandoned vehicles and other pieces of equipment as well as buildings. They’re left out in a yard or field to rust and decay or in the case of buildings just fall apart. Abandonment also occurs with people. In many cases babies are abandoned or adopted out because biological parents aren’t interested or circumstances make it difficult to raise the child. Did you know there are over 14 million orphan children in the world and over 130 million who only have one parent. What is the result of abandonment or being orphaned? What is the impact on even babies who are taken from the mother at birth to be given to a foster or permanent family other than the biological one. Apparently even babies are aware of being given to another that isn’t the biological parent. Babies usually act in one of two ways. Either crying without ceasing or total silence. 

John 14:15 -18

open book

We are told that God will not leave us orphans; I will come to you. This portion also tells us that He will give us another helper (The Holy Spirit) to abide with us forever. These verses remind us that if we have accepted the truth that He dwells with us and will be with us no matter what.

Abandonment is a very sad situation but as Christians we can count on the Holy Spirit, our Savior Jesus and God the Father to be available 24/7 so for the Christian there is never a reason to feel abandoned. However as human beings many find themselves, even as Christians, feeling lonely and maybe even abandoned. Sometimes when a spouse or parent dies a form of abandonment sets in.

Deuteronomy 31:8 reminds us 

  1. And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

Praise God for these promises. When all else fails God doesn’t. 


Where: 321 Brae Rd, Duncan
When: Sunday Oct 9, 2022

10:00 am Breaking of Bread

11:00 am Family Bible Hour

Speaker: Chet McArthur

Chapel Update

  • all the drywall has been hung
  • mudding should begin this week

Pray that scheduled work will go forward in a timely manner in order that scheduled events can take place


Ladies Bible Study

Where: 202-380 Brae Rd, Duncan BC
When: Friday Oct 14, 2022

Contact Information: Eleanor Bell-Jones 250-746-5446

Bible Conference

Warren Henderson will be ministering from the word of God and sharing on the life and ministry of Elijah and Elisha. The objective is for us to learn from their lives how we can live in these very dark and challenging days.

Warren Henderson was an aerospace engineer and now serves the Lord with his wife Brenda in “full time” ministry. They were commended to the Lord’s work by Believers Bible Chapel in Rockford, Illinois in 1998. Warren is an itinerant Bible teacher and is involved in family counseling, writing, evangelism, and church planting. Brenda particularly enjoys children’s ministries and mentoring young women. Brenda has operated an after-school Bible club in public schools for several years. Warren and Brenda have been used by the Lord to start several churches. The Henderson’s have four children. Their oldest son is married and they have three grandchildren.

Sponsoring Assemblies 

Oak Bay Gospel Assembly – 1900 Oak Bay Ave. Victoria BC Phone: 250-592-2870 

Email: oakbaygospel@gmail.com 

Web: https://oakbaygospelassembly.com/ 

Westview Gospel Chapel – 313 Brunswick Place, Victoria BC  Phone: 250-479-1233 

Pentecost Faith Dove Holy Spirit  - geralt / Pixabay
geralt / Pixabay

Email: info@westviewgospelchapel.org 

Web: http://westviewgospelchapel.org/

Overview of Program

Friday October 14th

  • 7:30 pm Warren will be ministering at Westview Gospel Chapel
    • Topic: Overwhelmed by Ministry – Understanding Elijah’s Problem

Saturday October 15th

  • 9:00 am Men’s breakfast
    • Where: Westview
    • Topic Mentoring Relationships – Elijah/Elisha
  • 3:30 pm Warren will be providing ministry for all
    • Where: Westview
    • Topic: The Ministry of Elisha – Part 1
  • 3:30 pm Brenda Henderson – Children’s meeting
  • Where: downstairs at Westview

Sunday October 16th

  • 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Warren will be speaking
    • Where: Oak Bay Gospel Assembly… with zoom to Westview
    • Topic: The ministry of Elisha part 2
  • 5:30 to 6:30 pm Potluck Dinner
    • Where: Oak Bay Gospel Assembly
    • Note: Invite your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors
  • 6:30 to 7:30 pm Warren will be speaking
    • Where: Oak Bay Gospel Assembly
    • Topic: The Ministry of Elisha – Part 3

See you all on Sunday


Happenings up to Oct 8, 2022

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