Hilda de Haan’s Obituary & other things

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Hilda de Haan

This update email begins with the forwarded email from Jinny, Hilda DeHaan’s daughter. It contains the obituary for Hilda.

Hilda’s service will be held at the New Life Baptist Church at 1pm on Dec. 30th. Mark Andrade will be the speaker at the service.

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to send you the link to Mom’s obituary so it can be shared with her Brae Road Family. She missed you all very much.  Could you please the others know?

There will be a private viewing for family and close friends, as we did for Bill, at 10 am at First Memorial and you are welcome to join us if you would like.

At 11 am we will convoy to Mountain View Cemetery where we will lay mom’s body to rest.

Mark Andrade will be speaking at both services and Scott Hemenway will be leading us as the MC.

Blessings,  Jinny

Here is the link:

Hilda de Haan’s Obituary

Brae Road family

First of all let me wish each and everyone of you a Very Merry Christmas.

Luke: 2 : 11 – 14

  1. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
  2. And this will be the sign to you; You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.
  3. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying
  4. “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men!”

No service this Sun Dec 26th 

Next Meeting  Jan 2nd,

  • 10:00 am Breaking of Bread
  • 11:00 am Worship, Praise, and Sharing
    • I have asked for volunteers to read passages of scripture for me and received a couple of names but could use some more. Please let me know asap and I will send you the information of the scripture I’d like read. The scriptures will be related to hymns.
    • I am also interested if there are those who would like to share a testimony to let me know and we could begin the new year on a positive note. I’ll have more to say about this in my next weeks update.

Health Reports

Most of our health reports are moving in the right direction.

  • Terry delivered the eulogy at Don Sked’s service. Praise the Lord.
  • Continue to Pray for Linda and the Sked family as they work through this time of sadness at Christmas.
  • Elinor Bell is at home and in conversation seems to be doing quite well. Certainly a very upbeat spirit. Elinor enjoyed a visit from the Thudians whom Elinor has a history with.
  • Mike Millard. Nothing new to report
  • Barb Trowbridge. Nothing new to report.
  • Anne Suais. She found she needed a wheel chair to get around her home and one was generously supplied by Larry Hall and picked up and delivered by Art Gross.  Wheel chairs come in a variety of sizes and this was the right size for Anne.
  • Sherilyn: Was diagnosed with shingles on Monday this week. Unfortunately it was not caught in time for the appropriate medication so pain pills are the order of the day. By yesterday there was improvement but more still to come.
  • Robyn McKenzie. Nothing new to report

Should anyone hear of updates on health items please let me know so I can post them. Jack, 250-510-4299

The Chapel:

  • Nothing new to report except for the fact a chapel key that was in a lock box, (similar to what the real estate people use) went missing.
  • The people using the key were unable to locate where it went, so all the locks at the chapel where rekeyed and new keys now exist for the front door, front gate and side gate. Again all keyed alike.
  • There are only 6 keys so far but more will be produced when we return to using the chapel.
  • There is a bright spot in the key saga. Prices locks gave us a Christmas present of not charging for their service in light of our fire.

Jack, 250-510-4299

Hilda de Haan’s Obituary & other things

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