News that is good and bad or sad as the case may be.

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Brae Road Chapel Family and Friends:

I trust this finds most of you in Comfort and Joy as we approach the Christmas Season and all that it means! The news this week is many and varied and includes good and bad or sad as the case may be.

Don Sked: Don passed away this week and is now with his Lord and Savior. Don passed away Wednesday night. Linda visited him on Wednesday and sang the song “I’ll Fly away” the words are “Some glad morning when this life is o’er I’ll fly away….. As Linda said “that’s just what he did. Linda said Don’s face showed “quiet peace.

Linda is organizing a service for Don through Sands and will advise when it will take place.

Please continue to pray for the Sked family as they go through this process, Linda, Shannon, Joel and Sydney and all their families.

As soon as I have any pertinent information I (Jack) will post it both on our chapel web site and by email.

Terry Ryan: All I can say is WOW visited Terry and Lois yesterday after he arrived home. He was standing without any assistance, walking with reasonable ease and conversing like the Terry we all know. What a miracle and answer to prayer for the Ryan family. Keep praying for his ultimate recovery.


Barb Trowbridge: Barb seems to be improving and is walking the hallways in the hospital and feels she may be allowed to return to her home on Monday. That’s Barb talking not necessarily what the Doctor will allow. Her daughter Angie is still here in her home. Barb says to say hello to one and all.


Mike Millard: Knee surgery. Mike is doing better but not there yet. Mike finds he is still suffering from some serious pain when trying to sleep and also if he sits with his leg stretched out there is some circulation problems etc., Mike is doing his exercises faithfully and feels that part is doing reasonably well.

Hilda DeHaan: Hilda is declining rapidly and the family would appreciate ongoing prayer for her comfort.

Elinor Bell: Elinor has been moved to room 231 in the Hospital but has not been given a date to return home yet. Her friend Dorothy Sowden in Elinor’s building will likely be the liaison when she does come home but we’ll update everyone further when that information is available. So stay tuned on Elinor’s situation. Elinor’s ankle was broken in 3 places and required pins to put it back together and will be at least 6 weeks recovering.

Anne Suais: Anne will be visiting the Hamlets today to see what the possibilities are for her to move in to that facility. Please pray that all aspects of that situation will work out for her to move. Her back is giving Anne quite a bit of pain which requires quite a few pain pills to keep it manageable. Prayer here is the answer.

Allan Vandine’s parents, John and Georgie need our prayers as they are moving from their home to “The Hamlets” John suffers from Dementia and is finding it difficult to come to grips with the idea of moving. Some days are good, some not so much.

Robin MacKenzie: Continued prayer for his recovery from his stroke.

The Chapel: Doug and I met with an architect hired by the insurer on Thursday along with electrical engineers and structural engineers. There is still the requirement for mechanical engineers to check things out. The architect advised that it would likely be the end of January before drawings are complete in order to go out for contractor tenders to garner quotes to determine the cost to rebuild. Doug, myself, Art, Frank and now Terry will be discussing possible upgrades to the kitchen with some things able to be done for equal costs that would have occurred should everything made original. Other items may attract some costs which the Chapel will have to pay. All still to be determined with discussions to take place to ensure we get the best value for $$., as well as a better functioning facility. There are still items up for discussion as to whether cleaning or disposing is the best option.

A question is raised as to the feasibility of cleaning some of the kitchen wares. For instance would the ladies feel okay taking plates, glasses and cutlery home running them through our home dishwashers to wash and be able to put them back into service.

You have probably noticed the communion elements trays are being used and they were dishwasher washed and bear no residual problem from the fire and were in the cupboard in the kitchen. Likewise our offering bags. The commercial fencing will remain in place for another month till January 15th and there is still one container in the back property containing items still to be determined as to cleaning or disposing. Much work still to be done.


Sunday Dec. 12th, 2021.

Our speaker is Clayton Dougan.

Please remember our start time for the Breaking of Bread Service is now 10 am with a short break before our Family Bible Hour beginning at 11am.


In Hebrews chapter 4 verses 12&13 we read

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

News that is good and bad or sad as the case may be.

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