Happenings Feb 13, 2023 to 19, 2023

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Musings on God’s Word

Been thinking about an email, a chapel family member, sent me this week. It was couched in the form of an obituary over the death of “Common Sense”. I so appreciated and agreed with what was said that I began to wonder what scripture had to say about Common Sense. 

First of all, let me pick out a few points from the email and then we’ll do a little scripture searching to find out what the Bible has to say and therefore what Christ is telling us about common sense.

  1. We remember the simple rules that have always existed such as
  2. Knowing when to come in out of the rain
  3. Why the early bird gets the worm
  4. Life isn’t always fair (at least in our eyes)
  5. Maybe it was my fault.

You get the idea!

We also learned some sound financial policies such as “don’t spend more than you can earn or; Whose in charge? “Adults, not children, are in charge.

You may recall the incident where someone purchased a cup of coffee at a drive through restaurant and spilled it in their lap, sued the restaurant and won a settlement.

I also remember the one where a person was driving an RV, put it in “cruise” and got up to make a cup of coffee. Of course, the RV crashed but the owner sued the manufacturer claiming injuries and loss as the RV failed to continue driving appropriately. This is true by the way.

Common sense. When did it die? When the following deaths occurred preceding the demise of Common Sense. Things like “Truth” and “Trust”, “Discretion”, “Responsibility” as well as “Reason”. However, we have the following survivors: “I know my rights”, “I want it now” “Someone else is to blame”, “I’m a victim” or “Pay me for doing nothing”. So, what does God’s word have to say?

A lot of what the Bible says about common sense is found in the book of Proverbs. One of my favorite books of the Bible.

Proverbs 3:13-14

  1. Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding
  2. For her proceeds (wisdom) are better than the profits of silver, and her (wisdom) gains more than fine gold.

If we read the book of proverbs we find the word “Wisdom” mentioned numerous times which from my perspective is the word for common sense in the bible.

Proverbs 16:21a – 22

  1. The wise in heart will be called prudent.
  2. Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it.

Proverbs 1:2-5

  1. To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding,
  2. To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity;
  3. To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion.
  4. A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.

Let me wrap this up with the following; Common Sense is the ability to see, hear and understand things, and then make decisions that are common to most people without the need for debate. When you add Godly morality and Godly revelation to common sense you get Godly wisdom. In other words, the word “Wisdom” used in the Bible is the word for Common Sense.


Pentecost Faith Dove Holy Spirit  - geralt / Pixabay

When: Sunday Feb 19, 2023
9:00 am Breaking of Bread
10:15 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Family Bible Hour
Speaker: Lloyd Oppel Retired Missionary from Laos

Chapel Update

Only a couple of things left to do.

  • The folding dividing wall between the sanctuary and the Library and the emergency door by the organ.
  • This week the back splash will be applied on the wall behind the stoves in the kitchen.
  • That leaves the kitchen basically all done and now only a few missing kitchen supplies left to replace.
  • Finally the painter will return to touch up various painted surfaces. 
  • Check out the Chapel Ad in the Citizen and in the Seniors supplement. I believe God is using the ad for our benefit.


Happenings Feb 13, 2023 to 19, 2023

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