Happenings August 1, 2022 – August 6, 2022

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My Devotion this week comes from Matthew 24. How many of us have been caught by surprise by an event, an announcement or someone’s behavior. I’m sure we all have and the effect was different for each one of us depending on what the “surprise” was about. Our Lord Jesus tells us there is an event coming that we will not know when it will happen but we do know it will happen. It has been talked about in Christian circles for centuries and in fact there have been people who insisted they knew when it would occur. They even managed to fool people into believing they knew and in some cases convinced their followers to take their own lives in anticipation of the event.

What event am I talking about? Why the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Matthew 24: 27

  1. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Our Christianity is based on the fact that our faith in the Crucified Savior is our path to Heaven. When the Lord returns we will be with him, while those who have gone on ahead will be participants in the grand celebration and reunion of the faithful. Matthew 24 talks about events that will happen around the Lord’s return which will give us some signs and warnings but no specifics. We are to be on the watch for False Teachers verses 4&5. Verses 6 & 7 tell us about conditions on the earth leading up to his return. Many of which we are seeing in the present day and age. We need to live as Christians as if the Lord is on His way at this moment. Wars, rumors of wars, floods, fires, disease, human degradation etc., are occurring all around us yet there is one verse that I believe is key to the whole matter.

Mathew 24:14

  1. And this “gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and THEN the end will come. Has the gospel reached the ears of all nations, tribes and peoples.

My understanding is no, but be assured when our God says that’s what will be, then it is so. Since we know neither the day nor the hour we must continue to be on alert but redeeming the time to spread the gospel over the whole earth. Keep praying for our Missionaries, Pastors, Bible teachers and all Christians sharing the word of God with one and all. Pray for the outreach of our Bible believing chapels, church and peoples who are making the salvation message known around the world. Jurgen and Wendy Schulz are returning to Bolivia at the end of August. Pray for them as they move back into the mission field they are familiar with. We have heard how Christianity is growing in unlikely places such as China and Iran. I believe we have the mission field of Canada as a country ripe unto harvest for the Lord.


Where: 321 Brae Rd, Duncan
 When:  Sunday August 7, 2022

  • 10:00 am Breaking of Bread
  • 11:00 am Family Bible Hour

Speaker: Dale Stewart

Chapel Update

Things are moving forward, albeit a little slow.

  • Roofer was due this week but was not on site as of today, except to have shown up at some time to cover up the holes in the roof in case it rained.
  • carpenters working on exterior items such as soffits and Hardy plank siding followed by some interior work
  • the electricians are scheduled to start next week. 
Happenings August 1, 2022 – August 6, 2022

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