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Musings on God’s Word
Matthew 12: 35
- A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.
Pretty simple to understand and we see it all the time in our world. In fact from where I sit, the evil that man does seems to be increasing rapidly. In fact even our governments will tell us that what was once considered wrong is now right and what was right, and just, considerate, moral and upright is now wrong. Christ’s return is near and the judgement of Christ will be real for those who have rejected the Salvation message. On the other hand Salvation assures us of our place with him in Heaven. What a joy to know and believe.
As Christians we too will stand before Christ to give account of ourselves.
Matthew 12: 36
- But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak they will give account of it on the day of judgement.
Very strong words for us to remember as we toil in this world we currently live in.
Matthew 12: 37
- For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.
So not only our deeds and actions but our words will condemn or justify how we lived on this earth.
One thing is clear: the Bible does not whitewash how we should live as Christians but paints a clear picture of our behavior and what it will bring us in the end.
Let us stay focused and remember the words of John 14; 1-3
- Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
- In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have to you. I go to prepare a place for you.
- And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also.
Thank you God for your guidance and your promises that we can live by and know they are true.
This beautiful Hymn says it all.
Blessed Assurance
Verse 1
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of Salvation, purchase of God Born of His spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long
Verse 2
Perfect submission, perfect delight, Vision of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
God’s richest blessing on you all