People & Events for Brae Rd Gospel Chapel

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Psalm 119:76-77, 89-91

First let me remind you that our homework in preparation for Mark Andrade on Sunday is to read through Psalm 119. Numerous times.

  1. May your unfailing love be my comfort according to your promise to your servant. 77. Let your compassion come to me that I may live, for your law is my delight.

  2. Let your compassion come to me that I may live, for your law is my delight. 

  1. Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.

  2. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.

  3. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.


Where: 7th Day Adventist Church 3441 Gibbons Road, Duncan

When:  Sunday Feb 13th , 2022

  • 10:00 am Breaking of Bread
  • 11:00 am Family Bible Hour


  • Feb 13th Mark Andrade
  • Feb 20th Clayton Dougan
  • Feb 27th Dale Stewart
    • Our speakers are lined up to April 10th except for March 20th which I am working on and should be filled shortly. Look on the calendar agenda to see who the rest of the speakers are.


  • Anne Suais: is feeling quite a bit better, but is headed to Victoria at 7am Friday morning for her bone biopsy. They hope to try and determine the cause of her extreme pain. She will be back in Duncan later the same day. Anne will not have her phone until she returns to Duncan.  
  • Frank Timmermans: had his Pet scan Wednesday and should have results on Monday
  • Mark Andrade: His brother David passed away last Sunday morning and there will be a private family service.
  • Ron Browne: His wife Brenda passed away on Sunday Jan 27th and her online service was Mon Feb 7th
  • Coastal Missions: the loss of Frank, Roy’s brother and Petunia’s husband, also Tom’s brother David.
  • A young friend from Lake Cowichan who has battled addictions and poor living habits all of his life but has been witnessed to and at this moment in time is asking for God’s forgiveness and help to get back to a structured and healthy life. We have witnessed, provided bibles and are feeling somewhat positive with his current attitude and comments.
  • Barb’s brother Don: has indicated to us he asked the Lord into his heart at age 11 at camp. Please pray that this admission, unknown to us, will move forward to a further understanding of what that means.  We gave him a Compass bible, and pray for his willingness to be more open to the gospel.
  • Elinor Bell: is doing better putting more and more weight on her ankle as she continues to use her walker.  Elinor is looking forward to being given permission to use her car.
  • Continued prayers: for John Stegeman, Marg Burge, Robyn McKenzie, Barb Trowbridge. Please remember all of our chapel family and friends in your devotions since there is not a single one of us not needing prayer.

Update On Chapel Fire Situation

Things moving forward slowly. Doug, Art and Ian have completed the removal of the unused old chimney that was hidden in the wall of the kitchen and have also completed putting in a proper floor over the baptismal so that the new floor will be without tripping hazards.

I have a new set of plans which includes the changes we have asked for and I will bring them to services on Sunday should any or all of the ladies wish to have a good look at them. Anyone else for that matter. It has been indicated to me that there may be contractors attending the building on Monday to have a visual on the plans with the idea of submitting bids to rebuild.


I will have your T4s for you, available after the 11am service.

God’s Richest blessing on you all. Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Jack Peake

People & Events for Brae Rd Gospel Chapel

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